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6/25/2019 Public Hearing - StL Co Library

From: Mayor Kate Hatfield

Dear Frontenac Neighborhood Trustees,
At the May 28th Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Meeting, the St. Louis County Library (SLCL) provided the City a first view of the SLCL plans for a two-story 81,574 sq. ft office/administration and warehouse building at Spoede and Clayton Road.

A public hearing will be held at City Hall, 10555 Clayton Road, on June 25th, at 7:00pm, prior to the P&Z Meeting. Those wishing to provide input are highly encouraged to attend.

While we support libraries in general and SLCL in particular, we believe this plan has not given proper consideration to public safety, best interests and/or the will of the people of Frontenac.

Based on our understanding, the SLCL plan will:
• sharply increase traffic in the area and demand for parking related to the 170-180 employees, large bookmobile trucks and vans that will be housed at and regularly requiring access to and from this complex
• traffic studies commissioned show a significant negative impact

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